Why Dogs are best pet ever....

Why Dogs are best pet ever.... Photo by Savs on Unsplash Few years back, when I was 10 years old I brought a couple of months old pup to my house. Those were one of best days of my life. I remember that days when "Tutun" came in my life. I used to wash her, feed her, take her for walk and even clean her poop (My mom was shocked ). I was very food of her. So, I feel dos are the best pet that one can have. Dogs are very friendly and cute. Even a person with stone for heart would fall in love with dogs. Dogs have superpower to make everyone fall in love with them. Here are reasons why dogs are best pets ever. NAIVE Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash Dogs are naive. One can say so by looking at facial expression. Dogs will do any thing for you in return of nothing. PUPPY FACE Photo by Marion Michele on Unsplash I bet dogs have the cutest face of all animals. No matter how ba...